It is common for individuals to seek psychotherapy in times of grief and loss. The death of a loved one is perhaps the single most intensive emotional experience an individual must face. These feelings can be quite debilitating and disorganizing. While grieving, an individual may exerience any of the following:
- depression
- anxiety
- sleep disruption
- deep spiritual questioning
- intense anger
- fear about one’s own health, aging or death
- difficulties working
- relationship strain
The therapist can help explore seemingly insurmountable feelings of pain and loss by providing a stable context from which to understand the natural process of grief. Oftentimes grieving individuals must continue to maintain normal functioning in their careers or simple day-to-day tasks, and feel unable to experience their pain at its deepest levels. As psychotherapy has shown, the more the individual is able to truly experience, accept and safely work through her intense feelings of loss and suffering, the better she is prepared to move beyond the pain and fully re-engage her life.
Getting started takes just a few minutes and we can often accommodate same-day / next-day appointments
Making an appointment is quick and easy. After you submit your request, our office staff will send you information on how to fill out new patient paperwork, gather necessary documentation, and confirm your appointment. If it’s currently normal business hours, we’re usually in touch within one to two hours. You can request to be seen ASAP for a same-day or next-day appointment. Appointment availability may be influenced and limited by factors like your insurance plan and if you’d like to see a specific counselor.
Dallas Whole Life Counseling offers Grief & Loss therapy and Grief & Loss counseling through Grief & Loss therapists and Grief & Loss counselors. We offer Grief & Loss therapy Dallas, Grief & Loss therapy Fort Worth, Grief & Loss therapy DFW, Grief & Loss therapy near me with Grief & Loss therapist Dallas, Grief & Loss therapist Fort Worth, Grief & Loss therapist DFW, Grief & Loss therapist near me. As well as Grief & Loss counseling Dallas, Grief & Loss counseling Fort Worth, Grief & Loss counseling DFW, and Grief & Loss counseling near me with Grief & Loss counselor Dallas, Grief & Loss counselor Fort Worth, Grief & Loss counselor DFW, and Grief & Loss counselor near me.
Our counselors and therapists see patients in the Dallas Fort Worth Area, including Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano, Irving, Denton, Richardson, and Grapevine. We also see patients statewide through telehealth visits.