Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD) is a condition caused by trauma or a traumatic event. It can stem from experiencing or witnessing a single traumatic event, or it can occur after repeated exposure (as is often the case with first responders). PTSD can make it very difficult for a person to function in social and work settings, and it can also put stress on interpersonal relationships. You don’t have to try to handle the burden of PTSD on your own. The counselings and psychologists at Dallas Whole Life Counseling are here to help.
Psychotherapy can help Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder patients regain a sense of control. With counseling, patients can learn skills to address the symptoms, learn to cope in stressful situations, and treat related problems like depression, anxiety or substance abuse.
If you are dealing with PTSD, talk with a counselor at Dallas Whole Life counseling to discuss what type of therapy or combination of therapies may best meet your needs.
Getting started takes just a few minutes and we can often accommodate same-day / next-day appointments
Making an appointment is quick and easy. After you submit your request, our office staff will send you information on how to fill out new patient paperwork, gather necessary documentation, and confirm your appointment. If it’s currently normal business hours, we’re usually in touch within one to two hours. You can request to be seen ASAP for a same-day or next-day appointment. Appointment availability may be influenced and limited by factors like your insurance plan and if you’d like to see a specific counselor.