It’s hard to get ahead if you don’t know where you are heading. There’s a difference between driving somewhere in particular, and just driving.
Wondering where to start in defining the Organizing Principle of your life? We have compiled four key steps…
1. Decide What Really Matters
For your life to have deep and authentic meaning from moment to moment, it helps to have to some Organizing Principle firmly in mind. This overarching goal can be spiritual growth, financial success, physical health, relationship satisfaction or anything else that comes to mind. Living your life waiting for your Organizing Principle to simply fall into place is like driving down the highway, waiting for your car to decide where you want to go.
2. Clearly Define Your Purpose
Declare your life’s Organizing Principle in one simple sentence. I want to be profoundly peaceful and happy, or I want to make my mark on the world, or I want to make as much money as possible. There are no rules regarding your life’s Organizing Principle.
3. Take Decisive Action
Once you’ve defined your Organizing Principle, take some concrete action toward that principle within the next 24 hours. If you want to be financially successful, make a payment on your credit card—even if it’s only $10. If you want profound peacefulness, start with 5 minutes of meditation or sign up for a yoga class. Whatever you do, do it today. Then do it—or something like it—again tomorrow. If you’re not taking concrete steps toward your Organizing Principle on a daily basis, then you may need to re-evaluate this goal.
4. Honestly Evaluate Your Circumstances
Take a hard look at your career, your health, your relationships, your state of mind from day to day. Are these circumstances helping you move along toward your Organizing Principle, or are they standing in your way? If your job doesn’t serve you, if your relationship doesn’t serve you, leave these things behind. Allow your Organizing Principle to do just that: Organize your life so that its many moving parts work together toward some larger, profoundly meaningful goal.
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