You’ve probably heard the expression, “Holding on to anger is like drinking a cup of poison and expecting the other person to die.” By that same token, Holding on to stress is like eating a bacon-cheeseburger with a side of donuts and waiting on cardiovascular disease. Fight or Flight In our distant evolutionary past, we […]
Men or Women? Who Works Harder?
In the past decades, gender roles have become increasingly complex for both men and women. These days, in the majority of American families, women work outside the home in the traditional workplace, while still maintaining domestic tasks. Likewise, men contribute more on the domestic front while still pursuing their careers. Given these increasingly intermingled roles, […]
Top Ten Slightly Offensive Tips for Couples
In my twelve years counseling couples, the same issues and patterns come up time and time again. Take a look at my tips below to find out what I’ve said hundreds upon hundreds of times: You’re not “better at relationships” than your partner. If you were, you wouldn’t be with that partner. Divorce rates […]