by James Robbins, M.A., LPC Everyone makes mistakes. People who genuinely love and value their partners can still suffer lapses of judgment. Although infidelity can be incredibly painful, it doesn’t have to end a relationship. In fact, when an affair becomes known, this is often what prompts couples to seek a therapist and work […]
How Common is Cheating?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC Did you know that about 25% of American couples will experience one or both members cheating at some point in their relationship? Although men were historically more likely to cheat, this gap is narrowing. Female infidelity is on the rise, with women cheating nearly as […]
Top Ten Slightly Offensive Tips for Couples
In my twelve years counseling couples, the same issues and patterns come up time and time again. Take a look at my tips below to find out what I’ve said hundreds upon hundreds of times: You’re not “better at relationships” than your partner. If you were, you wouldn’t be with that partner. Divorce rates […]