My beagle compulsively sniffs things. It’s part of her biological job description. Beagles are hound dogs, originally bred for hunting, so they tend to be led through life by their noses. Never mind the fact that the most ambitious prey my beagle “hunts” is the food in her bowl. Her default state seems to be […]
Do You Ever Truly Clear Your Mind?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC You want to clear you mind. You take a walk, work in in the garden, run an errand. You do some simple, relatively “automatic” task that doesn’t require your mind to do anything in particular. But is this really clearing your mind? Suppose you had a hard day at work. […]
Is Thinking Overrated?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC You think too much. Although handy in a pinch, more thinking is rarely the answer. When you’re $50 short on rent, thinking helps you make ends meet. When you’re driving from Milwaukee to San Antonio and your GPS goes on the fritz, thinking is your friend. Concrete problems that require […]