by James Robbins, M.A., LPC You think too much. Although handy in a pinch, more thinking is rarely the answer. When you’re $50 short on rent, thinking helps you make ends meet. When you’re driving from Milwaukee to San Antonio and your GPS goes on the fritz, thinking is your friend. Concrete problems that require […]
The Positive Politics Challenge
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC Picture this scenario: You’re at a party. It’s late. A small group of party-goers is tucked into a corner somewhere, enjoying adult beverages. This group is laughing, clapping each other on the back, having an all-around great time. They’re talking politics. Not arguing, not criticizing various candidates, but expressing what […]
Are You a Relationship Expert?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC, Maybe you consider yourself good at relationships. Maybe you don’t. But even if you are a relationship expert, you are not the relationship expert in your relationship. If you were, then you wouldn’t be in that relationship. When you are in a serious relationship, this is–by definition–the very best relationship you […]
You Should Quit “Shoulding” Yourself
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC, Being a better person is highly overrated. It tends to involve a lot of “shoulds.” You should eat less salt. You should drive with your hands at 10 and 2. You should sit at least three feet from all electronic devices and never swim after eating spaghetti. In the therapy world, we […]
Why God Why Do Men Keep Sending Dick Pics?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC Over the years, many of my female clients have related incidents in which they have received “dick pics.” At best these women were amused. At worst they were horrified. Men: Please be confident that the world–and its millions of female inhabitants–can very likely survive the next few millennia without seeing a single photo […]