As a therapist, I often ask myself a fundamental question: Is there some essential trait or circumstance that my happiest, most well-adjusted clients have in common? It’s certainly not financial success or professional accomplishments. It’s not religious affiliation, or lack thereof. It’s not physical beauty or even health. It’s not having a big supportive family or being […]
Self-Improvement versus Self-Acceptance
Although I started playing the guitar at age 12, I’ve never been as good as I want to be. For better or worse, I am a natural born practicer. I often spend so much time practicing the guitar I forget to spend time simply playing the thing. It’s as if some part of me feels […]
Anything But That
In the 90’s there was a popular song by the artist Meatloaf. I must have heard this song a hundred times, but I only remember one lyric: I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that. As a therapist, I often find myself having “anything but that” discussions. My clients often say things like: […]