by James Robbins, M.A., LPC I tend to be skeptical of advice that rhymes. No pain, no gain. An apple day keeps the doctor away. But I do like author Doreen Virtue’s rhyming wisdom: When you get nervous, focus on service. Pretend for a moment that you were put on this planet for one and […]
Fine Tuning Your Bullsh*t Detector
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC Very few people in your life–probably less than you can count on one hand–truly have your best interest at heart. You don’t get points for being too trusting. You don’t get points for not trusting enough. Because there are no points, no one around to issue points if there were. […]
Fix Your House Before You Fix Others – Thoughts on Politics
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC Want to make someone crazy? Leave them only two crayons in the box, then ask them to draw a rainbow. Politics, politics, politics. It would make my head hurt if I cared much about politics. My wife and I lived in the Netherlands (Holland) for a year. At the time, […]
A Relaxation Tip for You – Tip #1
You think with your eyes. Not literally, but when you think–or remember, or visualize–your eyes move. You’re having a conversation with a friend and she asks what you ate for lunch. You break eye contact, look away for a moment, so you can remember. Or when you dream at night. Even then your eyes keep […]
You Worry Too Much — But What if You Didn’t?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC Are you a worrier? Do you stress about money, health, your relationship? Do you suffer from chronic pain or high blood pressure? Do you experience panic attacks or social anxiety? Most people deal with some kind of recurring stress or concern. These issues tend to limit our experience in various […]
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