by James Robbins, M.A., LPC The holidays are like Las Vegas. Lots of drunk people wandering around beer goggling, blinking lights, spending too much money. And then there is the crushing return trip – that head-pounding Monday morning back at work, fatter and poorer than you were before. But these aren’t the only ways the […]
Do You Ever Truly Clear Your Mind?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC You want to clear you mind. You take a walk, work in in the garden, run an errand. You do some simple, relatively “automatic” task that doesn’t require your mind to do anything in particular. But is this really clearing your mind? Suppose you had a hard day at work. […]
Mindful Eating – A Discussion on Meditation
Apr 16, 2015 Your life only happens in the present. For you to fully experience it, you have to keep showing up on purpose Many of my clients would like to try meditation, but feel they simply don’t have time in their hectic routines. Meditation isn’t about giving you another job to do. It’s about learning […]