You do certain things you feel good about, things you don’t mind the whole world knowing. You eat broccoli every day, for example. Strictly for the sake of communication, let’s call these “good deeds.” And you do certain things you don’t feel so great about, things you’d rather not publicize. You eat a dozen donuts every […]
Dealing with Dishonesty in a Relationship
You will meet two types of people in life: people who are basically honest, and people who are not. Being able to distinguish between the two is important–especially when it comes to choosing a romantic partner. (After all, it’s not like a dishonest person is going to tell you he or she is dishonest upfront.) If […]
Are Your Values Genuine?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC What personal values are the most important to you? Love, money, health, kindness, career, spirituality, honesty, family? Now consider this: Does your current life reflect this value? Do your daily behaviors, your daily thoughts and feelings, strongly align with this value? If you spend hours daily thinking about money, worrying […]
Fine Tuning Your Bullsh*t Detector
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC Very few people in your life–probably less than you can count on one hand–truly have your best interest at heart. You don’t get points for being too trusting. You don’t get points for not trusting enough. Because there are no points, no one around to issue points if there were. […]
Why is Everyone in Love with George Clooney and Sofia Vergara?
by James Robbins, M.A., LPC As a couples therapist for the past 15 years, rarely a week goes by without me hearing one of the two statements in some form or another: “Women are gold diggers. All they want is a guy with money.” Or “Men are only interested in sex. They could care less […]